
Printer or the printer is a device that displays data in printed form, either in the form of text and pictures / graphics, on paper. Printers are usually divided into several parts, the picker as a means of taking the paper from the tray. Is a place to put the paper tray. Ink or toner is real printer tool, because there is something called ink or toner used for writing / printing on paper. The difference is the difference toner and ink system; need heating or laser toner, while inkjet ink or do not need heating, or dry cleaning only the print-head printer.

Function Printer Computer
Printer is one of the hardware (hardware) connected to the computer and has the function to print text, images and other display media from a computer to a paper or similar. The term is well known in the resolution of the printer is called dpi (dot per inch). The point is the large number of points in the area of ​​1 inch. The higher the resolution the better it will be prints produced. Conversely, if the resolution is low, the printout would be bad / not good

History of Computer Printers
Printing techniques have been implemented in a simple printing in China in the 14th century. Innovation of the Chinese people has managed to create ink and block printing which greatly affect the writing tradition. But the development of printing techniques in China is not as great as with developments in Europe. This happens due to the Chinese alphabet has thousands of ideograms specific, very difficult if applied on a typewriter. As a result, almost no significant changes in terms of production efficiency in China as in Europe.

In the early 1950s, there was a very rapid development of culture in Europe that raises the need for paper documents the production process faster and cheaper. Johannes is Guternberg, a goldsmith and businessman from Germany, which successfully developed print engine technology that has changed in a revolutionary printing techniques. Printing itself is perhaps the most important invention of the last millennium, although its impact on the global economy is not too big. The invention of the printing press allows the Bible so book first mass-produced.

History of Inkjet Printers

Inkjet printers are devices that have been printed using ink to print and print quality for color images is pretty good. Print speed inkjet printer page count is not the same, depending on the type of printer brands. But the inkjet printer, the print is longer drying when compared to laser printers.

Printer inkjet system was introduced in 1984. with inkjet printers and printer ink cartridges, the task of document printing and ink cartridge replacement more frequently used, is believed to result cleaner than on tape or replenishing toner cartridge.

In 1984, the acceptance of this system has not become a dependency as it is today. Inkjet printers replace the dot matrix printer system, which resulted in the replacement of the ribbon. Shortly thereafter, the factories began to conceptualize technology inkjet printers, according to the demands of progress. Some companies began to be behind the controls inkjet progress. And in the '90s, such methods are widespread. Currently the method of cartridges required for printing both black and white or color images and a photo. Development of the ink cartridge to be proud, because the ability to produce prints on paper of different types and sizes, factories, films and others. These printers are also used for schools, homes and millions of people around the world.

History Laser Printer

Most of the laser printer looks like a copier. Print is also quite a lot of power could reach more than 10 sheets per minute. Laser printers print quality was very good, so it is very similar to the original. Besides prints dry quickly. But the price of this printer is quite expensive.

In 1953, high-speed printer with first developed by Remington-Rand used in UNIVAC computer. In 1938, Chester Carlson introduced the wet printing process called electrophotography were later called Xerox, which then evolved into the invention of laser printer technology. The real laser printer called EARS developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, started in 1969 and completed in November 1971. Xerox experts, Gary Starkweather adopted a Xerox copy technology into a laser printer. Xerox 9700 is the first Xerox laser printer product with a xerographic laser technology in 1977. IBM's own realase launch this technology with the IBM 3800 which first placed on the central accounting office in FWWoolworth's North American Data Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1976. The IBM 3800 is the industry's first high-speed printer system. Combines laser technology and electrophotography. In 1992, Hewlett-Packard introduced the famous LaseJet 4, using a resolution of 600 x 600 dot per inch (dpi).

Types of Printers

Printer differentiated species by:

- Print resolution

Understanding the resolution of the printer is the printer's ability to create the number of dots in a square inch. For example, a resolution of 720x 720 dpi (dot per inch) means that the printer can make 720 dots per 1 inch vertically and 720 dots per 1 inch horizontal

Information about the print resolution in a printer is usually given in the manual book or a patch on a sticker on the back of a printer.

- Speed

Printer speed is expressed in PPM (pages per minute). The faster and sharper display is generated, the price rose more expensive printers. (ditto)

The speed of a printer depends on the memory contained on the mainboard and media types pencetaknya.

Media Printer

- Pita

Tape used as media in the printer dot matrix printer. Ink-jet printers typically use the head with a system work shed needles in accordance with the view to be printed. Head of this type is called dot matrix, because the needles that form the matrix in the form of a point following the results to be printed. Head consists of 9 pin and 24 pin. The pin is a pin that is available in the head. No more needles (24 pin), the better the printout.

Including these types of printers such as the Epson LX-800, Epson LQ 2170, etc.

- Ink

This type of printer uses ink as a medium pencetaknya. Head used is the type of head that regulates the discharge of ink according to the printout. Head of this type is commonly called a cartridge.

Including this type of printer is an inkjet printer, deskjet (HP) and bublejet (Canon products).

- Toner

This type of printer uses toner as the print media. Toner is a powder that is used as a printer in this way "sprinkle" the print media (such as paper) in accordance with the results to be printed, and then heated using light. The principle of such work is also done by a photo copy machine.

Including this type of printer is the HP laserjet 6L, etc.

Technique Print

Based on the printing technique, there are two kinds of printers are impact and non-impact. Impact is a printer that does printing technique by pressing (hit) the needle head to tape, while the non-impact printer is doing print techniques by spraying, including this type of inkjet printers and toner.

Type of connectivity

The type of printer connectivity consists of:

Parallel Port

Parallel port is the type of connectivity initial / first provided by the computer to connect to the printer. Parallel port consists of a port that has a 25 pin (DB25). Each pin has a different function. Some of which have voltage, ground, output data and input data.

Including the type of printer is the old generation printers and dot matrix.

2. USB Port

USB, or Universal Serial Bus is the type of port that is used for various purposes, according to its name. With USB, the printer connection can be done with a better speed. The disadvantage with this connection, connectivity can only be done when the operating system has been running, not biased done in MS-DOS, because a new USB port bias detected in the operating system such as Windows.

3. Other

Printing technologies, like other technologies, run in accordance with the changing times. Various forms of connectivity is done, not only for printers, but also other peripherals, such as mobile phones. Such as with infrared connectivity and bloothoot many be an option. So it is not impossible, if the current printer technology often using parallel and USB ports as koneksitasnya, a time much better connectivity to be used in printing technology.

Print media

By Type of Print Media

- Paper

Paper is commonly used print media is paper. Paper used almost for all printing needs of theses, papers and office work.

Almost all types of printer paper as the print media condition.

- Photo paper

The development of technology, demand developments in printing technology for residential use. With photo printing technology, we do not bother to make a print from a mobile phone or a digital photo. Some types of printers include the latest release of almost all photo printing features. We just buying photo paper, then we can make photo printing at home.

For better results, a photo printing, typically using 5 pieces of ink, namely, Black, Cyan, Magenta, Light Cyan and Light Magenta.

- Fabrics & Media outdoor space

This technology is known as digital printing. Typically used by advertising companies or advertising as a medium of outdoor space, including the use of banners, billboards, etc.

Based on the size of the print media

- Printer

Printers that we mean here is the common printer we use and also used in offices and schools. Generally, the printer uses paper with the size of the folio, A4, and most used are double folio or A3.

- Plotter

Plotter is a printer capable of printing with a large size, usually biased print up to A0 width sizes with a length much greater. Plotter is often used for the manufacture of banners and media outer space (billboards).

Plotter according to the dictionary devinisi IT (, IT Dictionary, Abu Sahl) are: Printer graphics drawing using ink pens, plotters also the first output device that is capable of printing an image size of images for architectural and engineering drawings.

Plotter usually also joined the function as cutting, namely paper cutting, especially for cutting sticker, etc.

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